Waltrip High School
Class Of 1967

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In Memory
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Ben Cunningham
Vicky deserves some words of remembrance. I danced with her at her mom's studio as a very young child, she was my neighbor, we were friends as only outsiders and outliers can be friends. I'm surprised no one else has posted a memory. She lived in the shadows, died in the shadows, but she had a light that still shines somewhere in the vastness of this universe. Sail on, godspeed, with a fair wind, old friend.
Robert Wise '68
I knew Vicky from her mother's music studio, as did many people. Even though I was a year younger, she would always smile and say hello to me when we passed in the halls of Waltrip, something not many girls would do. Vicky was so pretty and she always seemed to be confident and happy.
Carrol Johnson
Assumption Catholic Cemetery
1380 Fitzgerald Rd
Simi Valley
Ventura County
California USA
Postal Code: 93065-4468
Phone: 805-583-5825
Margaret Warren (Rosenbach)
Vicky was a classmate at St. Rose of Lima School. We sat next to each other in our classes. She was a very sweet unassuming person. The girls would go out at recess and we just had fun talking with our other friends. You are remembered, sweet girl.
Sandra McKnight
I too remember sitting next to Vickie Swayze at St. Rose. I remember she had a scarf around her neck which I thought was very glamorous! How sad that she is gone.
Gary Barton '68
In 1964 I met Vicky @ a choir rehersal in Mr Blevins class. To me she was bigger than life,always on stage and full of energy.She really did'nt have much to do with me until she heard me sing one day and then she looked and talked to me more and more.In a play called the Pajama Game I played the lead role and we started going out after the shows. It was then one of the strangest relationships in my life started.We dated all thru high school and into collage finally I asked her to marry me in 1970.That I guess was as much a end as it was a beginning to the relationship.Old story, off to seperate schools and found new love. Slowly and painfully our freindship came to an end in 1972.I didnt see her again for years,I heard she add been kidnapped inslaved ,really awfull stuff. I saw her the next time in front of an 7/11 on Ella Blvd, she acted very strange and was kind of angry but our conversation was short and I never saw her again.
She was a wonderful dancer and a great actress she and I won all state honors for Denny and the witches.Only questions are left .What was it I could have done to stop the pain. Did I start it ?If I did it was not one crule moment but a long journey filled with bitter sit backs and disapointments.
I close this by hoping finally her pain is gone and she has touched the face of God !
Good night Swaz
Mary Ryan (Bell)
In Memoriam: The Life of Vicky Lynn Swayze (msn.com)
Steven Baker
-I have special memories of Vicky. She was a wonderful, talented, caring person. We were friends at Waltrip, attended the same college together, and both lived in the Montrose area with the same circle of friends. We shared many fun/wacky times. Here are a few:
-Vicky would call me and several friends occassionally to help her Mom Patsy with a dance recital when they were held at the Waltrip auditorium, generally on a Saturday afternoon. Patsy had a dance studio and would need help with lighting, sound, scenery sets, etc. Pat Ballard ('66) and I got the call to help, and on that particular day, had a few beers before we went over to help. Five minutes before the show, Vicky and her Mom came up to me backstage and begged me to go out and dedicate the performance to their former seamstress, who had passed away the previous week. I really didn't want to, but did it anyway. I nervously walked out in front of the curtain, a hush fell over the audience, and I made a rambling, impromptu speech about a person I had never met. When I walked backstage, Vicky came up and thanked me, and then said: "It was a great speech, but you forgot to mention her name!"
-One day in the summer of 1966, Vicky stopped by my house for a visit. I had been over to her house several times (I was also friends with her boyfriend Gary Barton) but had not met any of her siblings. This time she brought along her 14 year old brother "Buddy" (Patrick) During the visit, she mentioned how strong Buddy was for his age, and thought he could beat me in arm wrestling. (No way, I thought- he's 14, I'm 17) We got down on the floor in the living room, and I couldn't believe how strong this kid was. I barely won.
-One time, Vicky's boyfriend Gary me asked to help him "egg" Coach Burton's house. We drove to a 7-11 around 9:00 one Friday night, picked up several dozen eggs, and drove over to the Coach's house. Gary was in his green VW, and I was driving my VW and we both had friends riding in our cars. I followed him up onto the front lawn and we egged the house. The folowing week, Vicky, who usually read the "morning minutes" over the PA system, heard in the office one morning that any kid who drove a VW was going to be questioned, because a babysitter had looked out the Coach's window and had seen a VW drive across the front lawn. She immediately tipped Gary and I that we were going to be called in for questioning by Assistant Principal Burch. Later, when we were summoned to his office, we calmly provided an alibi ("I was home studying") Thanks, Vicky!
-My parents had a beach house on Trinity Bay in Baytown. I decided to have a party there - without clearing it first with my parents. There were about a dozen of us, including Vicky and Gary, in addition to cases of beer. The party went on late into the night and the following day. About 10:00 the next morning, a friend called her Mom to let her know she'd be back home that afternoon. She had previously told her Mom about the party at my parent's bay house. Her Mom mentioned my Dad had called that morning and was trying to locate me, so she told him about the party, which she assumed he knew about. He said he'd drive down and check things out. When I heard that, I sounded the alarm for everyone to help clean up and get out ASAP. We grabbed trash bags and picked up beer bottles and food containers and other incriminatiog evidence, cleaned the place, jumped in our cars, and made it out before my Dad arrived. He never asked me about it...although I told him about it decades later.
-I had heard through friends in the mid-70's that Vicky had moved out to the LA area and was helping her Mom in her dance studio (Her family had moved to that area.) She also had been teaching English as a first language, had met a man taking one of her classes, and later got married to him. They had several children. Later, as her issues became more pronounced, they divorced and he gained custody of the kids.
-My wife and I had a film catering business in the 1980's. The last project we did was "Dirty Dancing" which was filmed in Lake Lure, North Carolina in 1986. It was quite coincidental that Patrick was in the cast - we spent time tallking about Vicky and his Mom and lots of memories from Waltrip, Oak Forest, Houston, etc. When he got back to California, he gave my contact info to Vicky, who got in touch with me. That was the last time I heard from her.
-In 2016, my wife and I were living in Sonoma County, which is about an hour's drive North of San Francisco. We decided to take a trip to southern California to visit a certain state park. Part of the trip would be by train, and the rest would be by rental car. It just so happened the train stopped in Simi Valley, where we were staying that first night. Simi Valley "rang a bell." I remembered Vicky was buried there, along with her Mom and Dad. I got up the next morning, located the cemetery, and drove over to visit her gravesite. I took a photo of the engraving, and sent it out to mutual friends. It was poignant. So many special memories etched forever in my mind about a time so long ago.
Gene Parnell
If you don't mind here's a fun memory most won't know. Our senior year a group of us used to play touch football on Sunday afternoons at Oak Forest Park. The guys would start about 1 or 2 pm and then at 3 pm a few of the girls would show up to play. Vicky was one of the best female players. She had the beautiful "muscular" legs that Buddy only wished he had. She'd show up in cut off blue jean shorts with leather side laceups. Wow! She was the "original" Daisey Duke. I always thought of Vickie as an atheletic beauty. She was an is special.